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D-cell 5D Diagon Hematology Analyzer

D-cell 5D Diagon Hematology Analyzer

The auto hematology analyzer is a quantitative, automated hematology analyzer and 5-part differential counter for In Vitro Diagnostic Use in clinical laboratories.

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Manufactures:              Diagon

Method:                         Electrical resistance for counting RBC and PLT

STF method for hemoglobin

Flow Cytomerty (FCM)+Laser light scatter for WBC differential analysis

Parameters:                   WBC, Lym#, Mon#, Neu#, Bas#, Eos#, Lym%, Mon%, Neu%, Bas%, Eos%, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCHC, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT.4 Research parameters includes IMM#, IMM%, ATL#, ATL%

2 histograms for RBC and PLT

2 scatter grams: Basophils Scatter grams,

4 diferential Scatter grams

Sample Volume:           Manual mode (Open sampling) 120 ml

Auto loader/Manual mode (Closed tube) 180 ml

Throughput:                  80 samples/hour

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