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Bayer 845

Bayer 845

By having a Bayer 845 blood gas analyzers on your facility, you can measure pH, pCO2, pO2, FO2H, FmetHb, tHb, FHHb, and FCOHb

More details

The calculated parameters on the Bayer Rapidlab 845 include standard or actual bicarbonate (HCO3), base excess in vivo or in vitro (BEvv or BEvt), base excess of blood [BE(B)] and extracellular fluid [BE(ecf)]; temperature corrected pH, pCO2, O2; estimated oxygen content (O2 CT), total carbon dioxide (tCO2), estimated oxygen saturation (O2 sat), temperature corrected alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, partial pressure of oxygen, oxygen capacity of hemoglobin, and more.

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